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Important notices and disclaimer

Important notices and disclaimer

If after reading the foregoing content and/or the other content on this website, you have any doubts in relation thereto, please consult your own independent legal, financial and/or professional adviser.

  • There may exist countries/territories whose laws and regulations restrict the access to, publication and/or availability of this website.


    Persons who for any reason are subject to any such restrictions must not access our website and, for the avoidance of doubt nothing herein is to be construed as directing our website to such persons.


    All persons who access our website do so of their own initiative and accord and are responsible for compliance with all relevant laws/regulations applicable to them. We do not assume any responsibility for nor have any involvement in any non-compliance in this regard.

  • Some of the products and services we offer are permitted only for the use of certain categories of persons.


    This section sets out the relevant information in this regard, applicable as may be required under the requisite laws of the country/territory of such persons.


    Where applicable, our products and services can only be used by persons who are “institutional investors”, “accredited investors”, or “expert investors”, as defined by the Singapore Securities and Futures Act 2001; or their respective equivalent classes as may be prescribed under the laws of such other countries/territories applicable to these persons.


    For the interpretation of “institutional investors”, “accredited investors” and “expert investors” under Singapore law, please refer to the Securities and Futures Act 2001 (in particular Section 4A) which can be found at the following link:

  • Straits Financial Services Pte Ltd (“SFSPL”) is the holder of a Capital Markets Services License issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”) and is thus required to comply (amongst other things) with the provisions of the Securities and Futures (Licensing and Conduct of Business) Regulations (“SFLCBR”).


    With particular regard to funds and assets received by SFSPL from its customers (“Customer Funds”), unless otherwise withdrawn or transferred pursuant to customers’ specific written instructions as permitted by all applicable laws, Part III of the SFLCBR requires SFSPL to hold them on trust for its customers in accounts opened with eligible financial institutions and separately from SFSPL’s own property.


    In the unlikely event SFSPL becomes insolvent, these segregated Customer Funds would be excluded from the pool of assets for distribution to SFSPL’s creditors and instead, remain generally available for the benefit of SFSPL’s customers.

  • Where any person accesses our website, if any laws/regulations applicable to such person so require, nothing on our website is to be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer to utilise our products and services, nor to engage in any transaction with us.


    Where any person accesses our website, if any laws/regulations applicable to such person so require, nothing on our website is to be construed as an advertisement of our products and services, nor to engage in any transaction with us.

  • Nothing in our website is to be construed as the provision by us of any recommendations or advice to any person in relation to our products and services.


    In particular, we do not provide financial advisory services (as defined in the Singapore Financial Advisers Act 2001, or its equivalent definition in any other applicable jurisdiction), nor do we assume any advisory, fiduciary or similar obligations, to any person.

  • This section cannot and does not seek to disclose all risks and other significant aspects of trading in derivatives and other products offered by us. In particular, not all products are regulated under the Singapore Securities and Futures Act 2001 or such similar/equivalent legislation in other jurisdictions.


    Nonetheless, you should not deal in these products unless you are cognisant of, understand and appreciate the nature and extent of your risk exposure. To this end, please read any other risk warnings specific to any product that may be found on this website, as well as our applicable Master Trading Agreement/terms and conditions, account opening forms, as well as any other documents we may prescribe from time to time. You should also first be satisfied that the product is suitable for you in the light of your specific circumstances and financial position.


    In general, leveraged products exhibit high price volatility and you may lose more than the amount you put in due to their leveraged nature.


If after reading the foregoing content and/or the other content on this website, you have any doubts in relation thereto, please consult your own independent legal, financial and/or professional adviser.

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